ISDL'99 Registration Form

Send this form to:
	University of Library and Information Science
	1-2, Kasuga, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8550 Japan
	fax: +81-298-59-1093 (in Japan: 0298-59-1093)

I will participate in :
    [  ] ISDL'99
    [  ] ISRLJA
	(International Symposium on Roles of Libraries for Japan and Asia)
    [  ] ISDL'99 & ISRLJA

Banquet will be held in the evening on September 29 (Wed). The charge
will be 5,000 yen which will be collected at the banquet site.
Please check either of the check boxes below.

    [  ] Yes, I will attend the banquet.
    [  ] No, I will not attend the banquet.

Please check in the box at the top of each item if you do not like
the information to appear in the participant list.

[ ] Name:_____________________  _______________________  _____________________
           Surname                   First name          Middle name

[ ] Affiliation:_______________________________________________________________

    Title: ( )Prof.  ( )Dr. ( )Mr. ( )Ms. ( )Other______________________

[ ] Mailing Address ( ) Office ( ) home



 ZIP ________________,  Country ______________________

[ ] Phone ________________________

[ ] Fax   _________________________

[ ] email ________________________

Questions/Comments/Requirements (dietary, etc.)