ISDL '99 Proceedings Publication Format
Congratulations on the acceptance of your contribution to ISDL '99.
Please observe the following manuscript format guidelines
for publication in the ISDL '99 Proceedings.
Authors are requested to know that all of the papers accepted for presentation
at ISDL'99 will be published both in printed and electronic forms. The
printed version of the proceedings will be delivered to the symposium
participants at ISDL'99. The electronic version will be made accessible
via WWW after the symposium.
Please submit:
- a Camera-Ready version of the paper conforming to the guidelines
in this document,
- a plain text version of the paper,
- GIF images of any figures.
The Camera-Ready version will be used for
the printed publication of the Proceedings.
The plain text version and GIF images will
be used for HTML (WWW) publication.
(If GIF images of figures are not possible, please
note in the submission.)
Instructions for submission appear in Section 9.
If you have questions or concerns about any of these guidelines, please
contact Tetsuo Sakaguchi
as soon as possible.
All text, figures, and tables must conform to these dimensions:
- Page size:
- A4 (210mm x 297mm, PLEASE DO NOT USE LETTER-SIZE)
- Margins:
- 25mm (both sides, top and bottom)
- Column width:
- 75mm (two-column format)
- Column height:
- 247mm
- Space between columns:
- 10mm
Pages must NOT include headers, footers or
page numbers. Page numbers
will be added when the Proceedings are assembled.
If you have no A4 printers, please adjust margins to print
the paper in an area of 160mm x 247mm (6.3inch x 9.7inch).
The text font is 10-point Times-Roman (or a closely resembling font),
single-space with 12-point interline spacing, in a two-column format.
All paragraphs should be indented 1-pica, and the entire text should be
right and left justified.
The main title should be Times-Roman 14-point boldface type, and
centered over both columns. In main titles, please initially
capitalize nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not
capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, and prepositions (unless
the title begins with such a word).
The author name(s) and affiliation(s) should be in 12-point
Times-Roman, initially capitalized, and centered over both columns.
5.1 Abstract
The submission should begin with an abstract, followed by a set of
keywords; the abstract and keywords should be placed the left column of
the first page.
The heading over the abstract (for example, ``Abstract'') should be
Times-Roman 12-point boldface, initially capitalized.
5.2 First-Order Headings
First-order headings (for example, ``1 Introduction'') should be
Times-Roman 12-point boldface, initially capitalized, flush left,
preceded by a blank line.
5.3 Second-Order Headings
Second-order headings (for example, ``1.1 Background'') should be
Times-Roman 10-point boldface, initially capitalized, flush left,
preceded by a blank line. Higher-order headings are the same as
second-order headings.
Figures may span both columns, if necessary, but text must conform to
the two-column format. If figures include color images (for example,
hardcopies of a color display), please convert them to grayscale or
halftone images in the Camera-Ready manuscript.
GIF images of figures may be in color. Their dimensions should be
appropriate for computer displays.
List and number all references at the end of your paper. When cited in
the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets.
[1] Author Name. Article Name. Journal Name, Vol. 12, pp. 34-56, 1978.
We request that Invited Papers and Regular (Full) Papers
do not exceed eight pages in this format. Short
Papers should not exceed four pages.
All materials should be submitted by the
August 20 deadline for final submissions.
9.1 Printed Paper Submission
Please send your manuscript by airmail, even if you can use E-mail for
Your paper should be printed on white A4-size paper with a laser
printer or equivalent. If A4-size paper is not available, please
format as A4 and print on letter-size paper.
Please indicate the ordering of your pages by numbering the sheets
(using a pencil) at the bottom of the reverse side.
If you cannot use E-mail to send the plain
text version and the GIF images, please send
them by floppy disk(s) with the Camera-Ready
version (see Section 9.2 and 10).
Submissions should arrive at the ISDL '99
Office before the final deadline.
9.2 Electronic Submission
If possible, please submit your paper by E-mail. Your paper should be
sent to:
Please write author name(s) and main title of the paper at the top of
the E-mail message body.
We can receive the Camera-Ready manuscript in following formats:
- Postscript Version 1 or 2
- Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format)
(Note: We can process only US-English and Japanese version of above formats.)
All files (see Section 2) of your paper should be encoded using either
UNIX-uuencode or MIME-base64.
Please do not submit unencoded files, because E-mail systems have some
constraints on message bodies (for example, line length and control
characters). Only plain text versions can be submitted unencoded, and
only if they conform to E-mail limitations.
If you cannot use E-mail to send the plain
text version and the GIF images, please send
them by floppy disk(s) with the printed paper
manuscript. (Note: The available format of
floppy disks are listed in Section 10.)
- Printers:
- We use 400 or 300 DPI, Adobe Postscript (compatible) printers.
- Fonts:
- We have no optional fonts on the printers.
- Floppy disk formats:
- Size: 3.5inch, 5.25inch
- Density: 2HD (1.44MB), 2HC (1.2MB), 2DD (720 or 640KB)
- File system: MS-DOS (FAT)
- WWW Server:
11 Information and Questions
If you have any questions concerning your submission, please contact
Tetsuo Sakaguchi
(E-mail:, Fax: +81-298-59-1093) or the ISDL '99 Office.
12 Contact Addresses
Tetsuo Sakaguchi
University of Library and Information Science
1-2, Kasuga, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8550,
Phone: +81-298-59-1378
Fax: +81-298-59-1093
University of Library and Information Science
1-2, Kasuga, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8550, JAPAN
Phone: +81-298-59-1348 (Shigeo Sugimoto)
Fax: +81-298-59-1093
Written by Tetsuo Sakaguchi
Tuesday, July 13, 1999 4:02:26 PM