7-9 September 1998
Asian Institute of Technology
Bangkok, Thailand
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An Invitation to Participate
Digital Libraries use advanced information technologies, such as high-performance computers and networks, hypermedia, and artificial intelligence, to organize information and make it accessible to users. Social and cultural aspects, such as intellectual property rights, electronic commerce, and cultural preservation, are crucial to their success. As the largest producers and consumers of academic information, universities are crucial to their future.
Digital Libraries will be a key element of the Global Information Infrastructure for worldwide information sharing and development in the next century. Large-scale research and development projects are underway in the United States, the UK, Singapore, Germany, and many other countries. In Japan, the National Center for Academic Information Systems (NACSIS), the National Diet Library (NDL), the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), and the Japan Information Processing Development Center (JIPDEC) have important digital library projects. The Japanese Science Council is promoting a digital library environment for research and education at universities.
This Joint Workshop will bring researchers and developers together with librarians and practitioners in an international forum on trends in Digital Libraries. The first two days (Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 8 September) will comprise School on Digital Libraries (SDL), with four tutorials on basic topics in digital libraries:
- Computer technology and networks for Digital Libraries
- Metadata: cataloging for the Web
- SGML and XML
- Overview and Management of Digital Libraries
This will be followed on Wednesday, 9 September, by the Twelfth Workshop on Digital Libraries, which will feature papers on more advanced topics from researchers in the field. This is the twelfth in a series of workshops that until now have been held at the University of Library and Information Science in Tsukuba, Japan.
As of June 1998, we expect that many librarians and practitioners from Thailand and surrounding countries will attend the tutorials. Participants in the workshop will include a number of renowned researchers from Japan, as well as colleagues from Italy and the United States. This workshop will focus on issues of multilingual information access, including metadata registry issues and information retrieval.
- Asian Institute of Technology
- Kasetsart University
- The Library Association of Thailand
Program CO-Chairs and Organizing Committee
Organizing CommitteeProgram Committee
- Co-Chair
Vilas Wuwongse.(AIT)
Chutima Sacchanand (President, of TLA)
- Co-Chair:
Thomas Baker (AIT)
Asanee Kawtrakul (KU)
- Committee :
Sugimoto Shigeo (ULIS)* TLA = The Thai Library Association Under the Royal Patronage of
Koichi Tabata(ULIS)
Surapan Meknavin (NECTEC)
Tassana Hanpol(TLA)
Somsuang Prutikul(TLA)
H R H Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
- Asian Institute of Technology
- Kasetsart University
- The Library Association of Thailand
- University of Library and Information Science
- National Center for Science Information Systems
Tutorial Time Table: Sep 7th - 8th, 1998
DATE TIME PROGRAM SPEAKER Sep 7th, 1998 8:30-9:00 Opening Ceremony 9:20-10:30 Computer Technology and Networks for Digital Libraries Nobuhito Yamamoto
10:30-10:50 BREAK
10:50-12:00 Computer Technology and Networks for Digital Libraries (Continued) Nobuhito Yamamoto
12:00-13:00 LUNCH
13:00-14:30 Metadata: Cataloging for the Web Thomas Baker/Praditta Siripan
14:30-15:00 BREAK
15:00-16:30 Metadata: Cataloging for the Web (Continued) Thomas Baker/Praditta Siripan
17:30-19:00 Reception Party (at AIT Center)
Sep 8th, 1998 8:30-10:00 SGML and XML Masahiro Kikuta/Youichi Shibata
10:00-10:30 BREAK
10:30-12:00 SGML and XML (Continued) Masahiro Kikuta/Youichi Shibata
12:00-13:00 LUNCH
13:00-14:30 Overview and Management of Digital Libraries Shigeo Sugimoto/Jun Adachi
14:30-15:00 BREAK
15:00-16:30 Overview and Management of Digital Libraries (Continued) Shigeo Sugimoto/Jun Adachi
Workshop Time Table: Sep 9th, 1998
TIME PROGRAM SPEAKER 9:00-9:30 A Digital Library for K-12 Educators: the PEN-DOR project Myron Bright,
Karen Fullerton,
Jane Greenberg,
Maureen McClure,
Edie Rasmussen,
Darin Stewart9:30-10:00 Recent Developments in Scholarly Publishing
and their Impact on LibrariesFytton Rowland 10:00-10:30 Retrieval System for the Microfilm Image database
in the Media Center, Osaka City UniversityYoshikatsu Nagata
Mamoru Shibayama
Harumi Maeda
Katsuichi Kita10:30-10:50 BREAK BREAK 10:50-11:20 The Dublin Core Data Model Eroc Miller
Stuart Weibel11:20-12:00 Cataloging for the Web:Dublin Core and the
Resource Description FrameworkThomas Baker 12:00-13:00 LUNCH LUNCH 13:00-13:30 Introduction to DC-based Union Cataloging Systems
for Academic Journals in Digital Library EnvironmentsHan Suk Choi 13:30-14:00 Extension of MHTML to Text Input and Text Search
Functions in Multiple Languages on Off-the-Shelf.Shigeo Sugimoto
Shigetaka Nakao
Myriam Dartois
Jun Ohta
Akira Maeda
Tetsuo Sakaguchi
Koichi Tabata14:00-14:30 Reasoning about RDF Elements Vilas Wuwongse,
Chutiporn Anutariya,
Ekawit Nantajeewarawat14:30-14:50 BREAK BREAK 14:50-15:20 A Graph-Based Method for Automatic Generation of
Multilingual Keyword Clusters and Its ApplicationsAkiko Aizawa
Noriko Kando
Kyo Kageura15:20-15:50 An Intelligent Search for Thai Text in Digital Libraries Asanee Kawtakul
Map of AIT from International Thai Airport
AIT Campus Map
The venue for IJWDL98 : The Auditorium of the Regional Computer Center (RCC) [Number 4 in Campus Map]
Camera ready format and Submission Camera ready format and Submission
The maximum allowable length is 10 pages . Please use A4 format and set margins so that the text lies within a rectangle of 6.5 x 9 inches (16.5 x 23 cm). Use classical fonts such as Times Roman or Computer Modern,13 points for subject and sub-subject ,11 points for text,16 points for headings and title, no page numbers, and 2 columns after title, abstract and keyword(s). Figures may range across columns.Deadline of camera ready
All camera ready (3 hardcopies and electronic) should be sent to:August, 7th 1998
Dr.Asanee Kawtrakul
Department of Computer Engineering Kasetsart University
50 Phaholyothin Rd. Chatuchak
Bangkok 10900
E-mail: ak@beethoven.cpe.ku.ac.th
Registration Fee/Form
Registration FeeTutorial and Workshop US$100
Include Lunch and 2 Coffee break(หนึ่งพันห้าร้อยบาทสำหรับผู้เข้าร่วมคนไทย)
Registration Form
Title: ______ First Name: ______________ Surname: _____________________ Company: __________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City: _________________ State: __________ Post/Zip Code: ______________ Country: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Fax: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________ Workshop Fee : ____________________ Total Payment: ____________________
Abstract of Tutorial and Information about Invited Speaker
Thomas Baker
Praditta Siripan
Shigeo Sugimoto
Nobuhito Yamamoto
Jun Adachi
Masahiro Kikuta
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Room Type Double Standard Room 700 Baht (17.5$) Suite [2 Bed rooms] 1300 Baht (32.5$) Reservation -
Any suggestions and comments mail to : ijwdl's Webmaster
Last Update : August 25th,1998