Digital Libraries

No.6, February 1996
University of Library and Information Science
Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki 305, Japan

  1. Digital Library and Educational Initiatives at the University of Michigan
    Gary M. Olson and Daniel E. Atkins
  2. Virtual Personal Library and Personal Information Environment
    Hiromichi Fujisawa, Hiroyuki Kinukawa
  3. Internationalized Multilingual System - The Waseda I18N & ML System
    Y. Kataoka, T. Kataoka, K. Uezono, H. Daikokuya, T. Oya, H. Ohara
  4. Japanese OPAC for Overseas Users
    Takehisa Fujita, Akira Maeda, Tetsuo Sakaguchi, Shigeo Sugimoto, Koichi Tabata

Digital Library and Educational Initiatives at the University of Michigan

Gary M. Olson and Daniel E. Atkins
School of Information
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan USA


The new emerging digital technologies are transforming the handling of information, and as a result are changing the nature of human activities and organizations. There are a variety of visions of what the consequences will be (a recent sampling would include Lanham, 1993; Mitchell, 1995; Negroponte, 1995; Tapscott, 1996; or the contents of any issue of Wired magazine), everyone is in agreement that the changes will be profound and wide reaching.

At the University of Michigan we are involved in two broad responses to these changes. First, we have undertaken a number of research projects that explore new technologies and assess their effects on human activity. Second, we are creating new educational programs so we can prepare students for interesting and useful careers in these arenas. These two sets of activities are intertwined both via the people involved (faculty and students) and the ideas embodied in our approach to both. In this paper we describe these two areas of work, and illustrate our approach in the process.

Virtual Personal Library and Personal Information Environment

Hiromichi Fujisawa*, Hiroyuki Kinukawa**
*Central Research Laboratory, **Systems Development Laboratory,
Hitachi, Ltd.
*1-280, Higashi-koigakubo
Kokubunji, Tokyo 185
Tel: 0423-23-1111; Fax: 0423-27-7778; E-mail:


This paper presents some of the Hitachi's research activities on Digital Libraries, their system concept, and the prototype system, Cornucopia. The system concept is a "virtual personal library" which supports his "information activities" acting as an end-user information environment. Such a system should support not only information retrieval but also such activities as editing, filing, sharing, and usage of the retrieved information. The paper focuses on the virtual "personalization" of retrieved information. The user interface of the virtual personal library system enables end-users to create their own scrapbooks from the retrieved information, and to stow the scrapbooks and retrieved information in the virtual personal bookshelves. Document retrieval using the document recognition technology is also described. The users can search through the recognized tables of contents and see selected page images.


Internet, Virtual Personal Library, transclusion, annotation, scrapbook, document recognition, TOC recognition

Internationalized Multilingual System - The Waseda I18N & ML System

Y. Kataoka, T. Kataoka, K. Uezono, H. Daikokuya, T. Oya, H. Ohara


Digital Libraries, Localization, Internationalization, I18N, Multilingual, Natural Language, ISO 2022

Japanese OPAC for Overseas Users

Takehisa Fujita, Akira Maeda, Tetsuo Sakaguchi, Shigeo Sugimoto, Koichi Tabata
University of Library and Information Science
1-2 Kasuga, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305, JAPAN
Phone: +81-298-52-0511 Fax: +81-298-52-4326
E-mail: {take, maeda, saka, sugimoto, tabata}


Japanese OPAC for overseas users, called MOPAC, is a WWW-based OPAC system which doesn't require the Japanese browsing environment. MOPAC consists of the OPAC system we have developed on workstations, MHTML encoder and browser based on the Multi-lingual HTML we have proposed, and the EDR Electronic Dictionary. MOPAC users can use ``roma-ji'' words and English words as retrieval terms, and English words are translated into Japanese words before retrieval. We are planning to incorporate ``roma-ji to kanji'' translation function and related term retrival function into MOPAC, using the EDR Electronic Dictionary.


OPAC, Multi-lingual environment, electronic dictionary, WWW