Digital Libraries

No.2, November 1994
University of Library and Information Science
Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki 305, Japan

  1. SGML: a Fundamental Technology for Publication in a Digital Library
    Hidehiro Ishizuka, Univ. of Library and Information Science
  2. Is the Digital Library a Library ? - Some Personal Reflections upon the Internet
    Akira Nemoto, Univ. of Library and Information Science
  3. Activities of the US Health Science Libraries in the Internet Age
    Atsutake Nozoe, Aichi Shukutoku University
  4. Outline of the Pilot Digital Library System Operations
    Hikaru Horiguchi, Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
  5. Development of Information Sharing System on the Internet
    Yasuyo Kikuta, Fujitsu
  6. A Proposal of Effective Navigation for Information Retrieval System
    Masayuki Morohashi, Taijiro Tsutsumi, Hiroshi Maruyama, Hiroshi Nomiyama, IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory
  7. Design and Implementation of Library Information System in Chiba University
    Yasuhiko Higaki, Keiko Arioka, Hiroaki Ikeda, Chiba University

SGML: a fundamental technology for publication in a digital library

Hidehiro Ishizuka
University of Library and Information Science
1-2, Kasuga, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305, Japan
Phone: +81-298-52-0511, Fax: +81-298-52-4326, E-mail:


SGML(Standard Generalized Markup Language) is a fundamental technology for electronic publishing, and is a key technology supporting an electronic library or a digital library. The present author introduces the outline and the state-of-the-art of electronic publishing based on SGML (EP/SGML). He illustrates how SGML represents a structure of a document database. He also explains other features of SGML and why it is called "SGML". He also illustrates Mosaic HTML and the difference between SGML and HTML. EP/SGML of a primary English journal of the Chemical Society of Japan is introduced. He explains some SGML tools and some jobs using them.


SGML, electronic publishing, electronic library, digital library, document database, WWW, Mosaic, HTML

Is the Digital Library a Library?: Some Personal Reflections upon the Internet

Akira Nemoto
University of Library and Information Science
1-2, Kasuga, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan
phone:+81-298-52-0511 fax:+81-298-52-4326


The author, a scholar of librarianship, has prepared his own PC environment for the Internet connection since last year at the laboratory. The former part is a report for network beginners of his try and error process of setting the environment. The latter part describes his personal reflections upon the relationship among traditional library services, the Internet, and some conceptions of digital library. He introduces the activities conducted by US libraies and argues how libraries should go with the network environment.


Digital Library, Electronic Library, Library, Internet, Gopher, WWW, Electronic Mail, Net-News, PACS-L, Telnet, Anonymous FTP, Libraary Gopher Server, MARVEL, BUBL, Project Gutenberg, Text, Multimedia, Document Delivery, Network Librarian

Activities of the U.S. Health Sciences Libraries in the Internet age

Atsutake NOZOE
School of Library and Information Science
Aichi Shukutoku University
Katahira, Nagakute-cho, Aichi-ken 480-11 Japan
TEL 561-62-4111 FAX 561-63-3060


The sate of art activities of the U.S. health sciences libraries in the Internet circumustance were introduced. As the background of the Internet activities, the National Information Infrastruture was also mentioned. A survey conducted by the National Library of Medicine indicates that libraries at academic institutions have mostly access to the Internet (72%). The roles of health science libraries were discussed in this situation.


health sciences libraries, National Library of Medicine, Medical Library Association, National Information Infrastructure, Internet , navigator, quality filtering

Outline of the Pilot Digital Library System Operations

Hikaru Horiguchi, Tatsuya Fujiwara
Information Systems Development Division
Machinery and Information Industries Bureau,
MITI ( Ministry of International Trade and Industry )
1-3-1 Kasumigaseki,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo,100 Japan
phone: 03(3580)3922, Fax: 03(3501)6631, E-mail:


The Ministry of International Trade and Industry ( MITI ) will carry out " Pilot Digital Library System Operations " within the Information Technology Promotion Agency, Japan ( IPA ) in cooperation with the National Diet Library, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the Ministry of Home Affaires, and the Science and Technology Agency.

The overview of this operations, which compile literature into databases after rendering them into digital form and then to supply them through networks, will be realized to identify and solve demand-related and technical problems. And advanced technical development which allows more advanced retrieval and document processing will also be implemented.

Development of Informarion Sharing System on the Internet

Yasuyo Kikuta
Fujitsu Ltd.
9-3, Nakase 1-Chome, Mihama-Ku, Chiba , 261, Japan
Phone: 81-43-299-3539, Fax:81-43-299-3635,


Fujitsu has developed an SE technical information sharing system, called FIND2, to improve information utilization in SE work and thereby improve efficiency.

This system is based on the "Internet" and provides various value-added data items, including multimedia information. Find2 is configured as a client-server system and uses the following de facto standard tools: the "WAIS" full-text search system and the "NCSA Mosaic" hyper-text information viewer. In addition to the commonly used functions on the Internet, this system has the security function which protects the security of information and switches the appropriate user identification process for each access request.

These features enable users to quickly find and retrieve information, and enlarge information to be shared among SEs.


information sharing system, Internet, WAIS, Mosaic

Proposal of an effective navigation for information retrieval systems

IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory
1623-14, Shimotsuruma, Yamato, Kanagawa 242, Japan
Phone: +81 462-73-4670, Fax: +81 462-73-7413, E-Maile:


On using information retrieval systems, one of the problems which the users face with is that they have no way of knowing whether the sequence of the conditions, which the users have given to the system, is proper or not before they look through every document of the final results.

We proposed a navigation function that gives information outlining of the selected document set every after inputing a piece of retrieval conditions. The information outling also helps you to find a new aspect of the selected document set, such as the recent topics in a specific research area.


Information Retrieval, navigation, Information Outlining, Data Mining

Design and Implementation of Library Information System in Chiba University

Yasuhiko Higaki*1, Keiko Arioka*2, Hiroaki Ikeda*1
Chiba University, *1 Faculty of Engineering, *2 Library
1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba 263 JAPAN
Tel: +81-43-290-3352, Fax: +81-43-290-3039, E-Mail:


Chiba University Library is serving library information to Internet using CULIS. CULIS is designed to provide information by multiple means as anonymous login, anonymous ftp, gopher, WWW, depending on users' accessibilities. The CULIS includes services including online public access catalog, bulletin board, online user's guide, online library bulletin, etc. It also works as a gateway to relevant information worldwide. This paper describes software architecture and technical details regarding design and inplementation of the system.


OPAC, WWW, gopher, anonymous ftp, Internet, electronic library, CGI, fill-out form, httpd, gopherd